Nordic CL3 is the latest sibling to enter the Nordic family. We are happy to introduce CL3 as our favorite entry level front light, with excellent build quality. Weatherproofed to IPX4 standard, with a light output of 30 lux. The CL3 is Made in Finland and features our current design language, staying in line with the rest of the Nordic series to fit today’s bike trends.
CL3 is a minute and compact light. Using a collimator lens makes it possible to keep the size small, the price appealing and offer a very good light pattern. An attractive little light package with great value for money. CL3 is a very good fit for urban bikes where you prefer a small, discreet light, that still keeps the rider safe and visible.
The housing and bezel of the Nordic CL3 are made of recycled plastic, to bring the carbon footprint down. Easy to mount light with its integrated arm with adaptor pieces, click in reflector and push-in cable connection. Approval for Germany and France.
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